Our purpose is to join communications between the different systems and styles through its Grandmasters, and proliferate the growth of the Martial Arts through its programs, such as the International Hall of Fame, honoring Martial Artists yearly for their accomplishments, the completion of the Martial Arts Museum in Orlando, Fl. and the Martial Arts College, offering a continuing education program taking the Martial Artist to a doctoral degree. Participation in seminars, tournaments, and youth camp programs is designed to expose participants to martial arts and to the teachings of the Grandmasters .
"Knowledge and wisdom are always outweighed by experience"
- Mike Mauna Loa Allen
Our Team
CEO and Chief Instructor
Master Mike 'Mauna Loa' Allen, founder & President IMAA Inc
Jessica Gomez, Event Coordinator
Victoria Allen, Assistant Event Coordinator
Carey Mason , I.T. Manager
Karl Gorkowski, Architect/Designer
Bob Aril, Engineer
IMAA Inc Regional Representatives:
Dr Gerald Curry - Maryland
Damion Cabral - Oregon
Kevin Brown - Nevada
Dr Moises Colon - Florida
Kurt Hummel - Louisiana
Ron Platt - Alabama
Mike "Mauna Loa" Allen - President
John Snyder - Vice President
Jessica Gomez - Secretary